
Our Featured Data Products

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  • Market Data

    Security code, short name, and closing price, high/low, outstanding share capital of A&B share and indices of the Exchange are provided at the end of the trading day.
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  • Fundamental Company Data

    Provides fundamental data for listed companies in Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Exchanges including Corporate Profile, Corporate Governance and Corporate Finance.
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  • Industry and Economic Data

    Provide China Macroeconomic, Regional Economy, Economic Internal Circulation,Digital Economy data.
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  • Derivative Data

    Commodity Futures Options data Stock Index Futures, Options data.
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  • Partner Data

    Provide Enterprise Contribution to Common Prosperity data and digital Transformation data.
  • Customized Data

    CSMAR customized data service allows users to tailor the data they need, selecting from a vast array of variables, industries, time periods, and other relevant parameters.


we empower decision-makers and researchers alike
with accurate, up-to-date information, facilitating informed
choices and groundbreaking discoveries.

Who We Are

As a forefront leader in the industry, we specialize in delivering comprehensive datasets encompassing China's financial markets, industries, and economic landscape. With an unwavering commitment, we cater to the diverse requirements of over 1300 financial institutions, esteemed academic institutions, government agencies, and cutting-edge research organizations.

CSMAR Securities Investment Training Platform

CSMAR Securities Investment Training Platform leverages extensive industry experience to redefine securities education. It seamlessly integrates teaching, learning, and practical application, offering real-time market data, trading mechanisms, and a variety of training tools. Noteworthy features include simulated trading with real-world rigor and a rich array of resources covering stocks, funds, bonds, and more. A market replay function extends training flexibility, bridging theory with practical experience for comprehensive securities education.

CSMAR Financial Terminal

CSMAR Financial Terminal seamlessly integrates market data, insights, research, news, and analytical tools across various financial domains. Benefitting financial institutions, governments, and enterprises, it provides unparalleled precision in understanding China's capital market. Users access punctual, accurate information for strategic advantage.

Our platform serves as a hub of knowledge, connecting you to the pulse of China's dynamic financial realm. Join us in harnessing the power of data to define our digital era.

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